

Though the visual appeal of a shot peening machine is very similar to a conventional ‘blast cleaning’ machine, the process is quite different.

Shot peening is all about controlling the process of blasting. Shot peening is driven, protected and monitored by audits and specifications. Conformance to such audits and specifications is the only way one can achieve repeatable, accurate and consistent peening results.

At the core of all blasting processes is the concept of transferring impact energy on to the component being processed. In shot peening, the effectiveness of the procedure depends on monitoring and controlling the impact energy by its major constituents – air pressure, media flow rate, constant media size, media shape and several other parameters. Buffalo Manufacturing offers a variety of Empire shot-peening platforms to meet any customers part configurations and specifications.

Convential Shot Peen Systems

(click image to enlarge)

Shot Blast Cabinet System

Shot Blast TT48 Indexing Turntable

Shot Peen OD and ID Lance

Custom Shot Peen Systems

Shot Blast Text Fixture

Shot Blast Set Up

Shot Blast Set Up 2

Shot Blast GTG

Shot Blast Cell

Shot Blast Custom Robot

Shot Blast Propeller System

Shot Blast Cell 2

Shot Blast Continuous Turntable

End of Arm Tools

Shot Peen Part Manipulation

Shot Peen Nozzle Holder

Shot Peen Nozzle Manipulation

Shot Peen Controls

Shot Peen Flow Controllers

Shot Peen Control Panel

Shot Peen Magna Valve

Aerospace Shot Peening

Aerospace Shot Peening System 1

Aerospace Shot Peening System 2

Aerospace Shot Peening System 3

Aerospace Shot Peening System 4

Aerospace Shot Peening System 5

Aerospace Shot Peening System 7

Aerospace Shot Peening System 8

Aerospace Shot Peening System Catch Test

Aerospace Shot Peening System PLC

Aerospace Shot Peening System Vision System 1

Shot Peener RBT Vision 1

Shot Peener RBT Vision 2